Special Offer: Play the Forest School Way

This is a Special LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND Offer! This is one of the great titles we have listed in our Bookshop Catalog but we also have just a couple copies in our own inventory to sell. You cannot combine these in a Bookshop order but must deal directly with Randy’s Books by email. If you’d like to purchase one or more special offer just email us with your order and we’ll send you a paypal request for the amount which you can pay in any of the normal ways. Email us at randy@randysbooks.com

Play the Forest School Way: Woodland Games and Crafts for Adventurous Kids

by Peter Houghton and  Jane Worroll

Woodland games, crafts, and other outdoor adventures from the Forest School–for parents and their children. The rise of the grassroots Forest School movement in recent years is part of a groundswell of concern about the wellbeing of our children, with many media scare stories about child obesity, “nature deficit disorder” (as described in Last Child in the Woods), and lack of exposure to risk.This outdoor adventure manual is the antidote! Packed full of ideas, from making nature jewelry and whittling a bow and arrow, to building a shelter and foraging for food, it also celebrates the Forest School philosophy of encouraging self-esteem, confidence, and social skills through engagement with nature. The activities contain variations for varied age groups, small groups like play dates or birthday parties, as well as things to do with just one or two children. Parents are encouraged to guide the play but the activity instructions are written in a simple style with fun illustrations so that kids can take the lead as well. Watkins Publishing, 160 pages, paperback.

$16.95 Now $10.95 tax and shipping included!

Must be purchased by emailing us NOT by way of the regular catalog. Limited to a few copies on hand. Email us at randy@randysbooks.com. Orders accepted in the order emails are received.